We witnessed the newspaper, publishing, music, movie, and advertising industries get sucker punched by the internet. Fortunes, careers, and industries were lost. Many industry “experts” were ignorant or skeptical of the coming internet. Their ignorance of the mechanisms of action ruined their companies as they clung to their old school business models. Yet the world benefited because of the internet’s disruptive technologies. The people who knew about how to use these technologies rode the wave of financial success.
The Speed of change is exponential.
The amount of technological advancement that occurred in the year 2000 occurs every 1 hour and 6 minutes in 2013, and will occur every 30 seconds in 2020.
Do you know what industries are headed for oblivion right now?
Do you have the foresight that will keep you relevant in the next three to five years?
Medicine, manufacturing, and transportation, are rapidly and profoundly changing into instant, personalized, autonomous (self-sufficient), inexpensive, and free product and service based industries.
- Medicine: The just released medical tricorder prototype and IBM’s Dr. Watson in the cloud will make most hospital, healthcare, and doctor’s services obsolete.
Regenerative, genomic, nano, cybernetic, and open source medicine have changed the goal of healthcare from a late stage treatment industry into a pre-disease preventative, regenerative, healthy longevity based industry. - Manufacturing: 3D printing has given companies the ability to manufacture the most complex designs in their products while keeping the cost the same as manufacturing the design of a brick. In other words complexity has become free with 3D printing. Today’s handheld 3D scanners can give everyone the ability to personalize their products or help reverse engineer an existing product. Computer-aided design (CAD) software allows files to be transmitted so the prototype or product can be printed thousands of miles away. CAD software programs are starting to use natural language descriptions to add qualities and features to existing designs, making it easier to personalize products. The combination of these advanced 3D printers, 3D scanners, CAD software, and print anywhere capabilities are starting to replace overseas manufacturing with faster deployment, less transportation, reduced warehouse storage costs, personalized products, and less pollution. Atomically precise manufacturing circa 2020’s will create personal desktop factories.
Is your business on the outside looking in?
- Transportation: Transportation services and car companies are switching to an accident free, reduced energy, reduced pollution, and reduced traffic industry with solar, hydrogen, electric, and 100 mpg, intelligent, synchronized, autonomous vehicles.
Who’s the Expert Here?
The day of “The Expert” is dwindling as technology becomes embedded everywhere (the internet of things) and our smart phones, tablets, glasses, wearable computers, and virtual assistants give us solutions instantly and at no cost. The internet of matter (Matternet UAV network and 3D printing) is now being developed throughout the world. Does your organizational development allow you to easily create your transitions?
Manufacturing, medicine, retail, energy, data, analysis, education, and complexity are rapidly becoming personalized, cheap, and instantly delivered. This requires existing businesses to adapt their business plan and implement multiple new systems to compete with the personalized rapid deployment and interactive products and services that have become available.
Business is Very Personal
Our lifestyles, goals, and even the things that we were told would happen, and how to make them happen, have all changed.
These changes are coming faster and are more dramatic as the months go on. Our personal, social and, financial status can either stagnate and be left behind, or we can chose to look and act on what is happening, and flourish physically, mentally, and financially.
The tools have been made and the new smarter systems to implement the price performance 2.0 standards that are being created by those who know what the right components are and when they will be available. There are many new partnerships occurring to integrate multiple new paradigms to replace the existing industries.